Great work, everyone! We raised over $1000 for our national sock drive and distributed hundreds of pairs of socks and supplies to youth shelters, women’s centres, outreach orgs, and mutual aid networks from coast to coast! When we come together we can do real, tangible work. We believe that mutual aid should be for each according to their needs, so we worked directly within our communities to tailor our contributions to meet those needs. From granola bars to menstrual pads, jackets to pants, we contributed according to our abilities. After all was said and done, we not only warmed toes, but forged connections & built powerful, lasting relationships with people & organizations from across the country. We showed that we can all work together with compassion & solidarity to help meet the needs of the people. When we see a need, we will do what we can to help. We will not stand idly by when others are struggling. We will not avert our gazes from struggles and suffering. We will step up, and we will lend hands, resources, effort, and time, every time.