Notice of 1st Annual General Meeting

Greetings Comrades,

Please be advised that the Canadian Socialist Rifle Association will having our first Annual General Meeting to review the 2022 year. The meeting will be held on:

Thursday, January 5th at 5:00 PM PST/8:00 PM EST

You can participate in the meeting at the scheduled time by preemptively joining our discord server. You will need to pass a simple verification process to enter. The link for the CSRA server is here:

Once verified, the meeting will be held in the Organizing voice channel, you may also contribute by posting in the accompanying text channel #voice-chat-relevant-text

The meeting agenda will be:

  1. Welcome/year in review/acknowledgments
  2. Nominations and Elections
  3. Financial report from the Treasurer
  4. Visions for 2023

Please see this notice, including Fiscal Year 2022 financial review.

This year has been an exciting year for our organization. We would like to thank our team of volunteers who have been working tirelessly to accomplish some of the goals that we have previously set out, and we take great pride in reporting our continuing growth.

During this term we have successfully acquired a bank account and we began taking donations. A complete overview of the organizations financial year (November 4th to November 4th) is attached here. We also saw the formation of our official website ( thanks to some generous domain donations and efforts from our web-committee. Another thing we saw was the organization of an Ontario based camping trip, as well as a British Columbia based range day.

We have begun discussing our goals for the next year and here are some of the things we would like to accomplish. We will be continuing to upgrade the website to include things such as organizational news, provincial contact information, and merchandise. We plan to organize further meet-ups and we hope to see new areas of the country meeting under the CSRA banner. Another big goal for this year is to establish memberships where supporters can become members by donating at a yearly cost. In the coming months we also plan on organizing some mutual aid networks who can coordinate grass roots actions in their communities.

Again we would like to thank all of our community members for supporting us and helping us grow our collective vision. We wish to show appreciation for the work of our current Central Committee members as well as former members. As an organization we continue to acknowledge the Indigenous territories where we operate, and the nations who have always called this land their home.

Yours in solidarity,

From the Central Committee of the Canadian Socialist Rifle Association