Official Statement Regarding Bill C-21 Amendment

Greetings Comrades,

In the past few weeks there has been a lot said about the proposed amendment to bill C-21 which would result in hundreds of non-restricted firearms becoming prohibited including some of the most widely owned firearms in the country. This undemocratic amendment which is far beyond the scope of the original bill would affect Indigenous rights, sustenance hunters, target shooters, and hobbyists alike.

It is the opinion of the CSRA that if the Canadian government wishes to effectively combat firearm related crime they should do the following:

  • Fight to end food insecurity
  • Fight to end housing insecurity
  • Fight to end poverty in all it’s forms
  • Improve access and aid for those suffering from domestic violence
  • Expand access to mental health services
  • End the war on drugs
  • Combat the smuggling of illegal firearms into the country

We at the CSRA believe that firearms are not just a part of our heritage but a part of 2.2 million Canadians everyday lives. As such we encourage everyone to not just reach out to their own MP and MPPs but also to NDP and Bloc Quebecois MPs who’s support will be needed by the Liberal government to pass Bill C-21.

Yours in solidarity,

From the central committee of the Canadian Socialist Rifle Association