Recent Police Violence in Weelaunee Forest

On January 18th 2023 the Georgia State Patrol shot and killed land defender Manuel Terán, lovingly known as Tortuguita, while conducting a militarized raid on a camp in Weelaunee forest in so-called Atlanta.

As climate change ravages communities worldwide and police violence is the default response, people put their lives on the line to fight ecological devastation and state repression. The CSRA stands in solidarity with all land defenders in their resistance to the ongoing destruction of our planet in the name of greed.

Tortuguita is a victim of police violence and their death has united land defenders around the world. Our hearts go out to Tortuguita’s family and friends as well as the QTIPOC community.

The CSRA condemns state violence in all forms and we question the official narrative about the events that lead to Tortuguita’s death. We will continue to stand with those who resist capitalism and are on the front lines fighting for a better future for us all.

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Yours in solidarity,

From the Central Committee of the Canadian Socialist Rifle Association