Statement on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Official statement from the Central Committee of the Canadian Socialist Rifle Association

Date: September 30th 2024

Re: National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Today we mourn the loss of Indigenous children. Children stolen from their families, their communities, their homes and their lands; they were abused, neglected, and murdered by a cooperative effort between the federal government and the church in an attempt to steal land and erase Indigenous culture, language, tradition and history. A campaign to “Civilize”, as though any nation that would commit genocide could be considered civil. 

Despite the centuries-long actions and genocidal ideologies of colonial governments; First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities have survived. Symbols such as land acknowledgments and national holidays are just that, symbols. Creating one day to remember history is insufficient when the genocide is ongoing. First Nation children are still being apprehended by the ministry of child and family services and Indigenous Peoples are currently over represented in the prison system. RCMP still murder First Nations people with impunity, and the very land that “Canada” was built on is still stolen land. Concrete actions must be taken to return what has been stolen. We all must listen to the Indigenous communities who are suffering from the actions of the colonial government, and support the reclaiming of their traditions and vibrant cultures. 

Today isn’t only a day to remember the historic atrocities of “Canada’s” past, but to acknowledge that this very day was created by a system that is still committing heinous acts. The CSRA stands in solidarity with all Indigenous Peoples who are fighting colonization, not only here at home, but across the world. We hope for peace and true reconciliation.

From the central committee of the Canadian Socialist Rifle Association